April Fool?.. apa kata kau?

Thursday, March 31, 2011 - Posted by K.A.A at 8:58 AM

aku:eh eh.. guess what?..
korang tak tau..
come on la bro... today is 1 april!

kau: so?? knpe ngan 1 april?
aku: lek eleh.. mamat nie... 1 april!! april fool kowt...

kau: aku tau la der.. saje je nk april foll kt kau.. saje je wat2 x tahu..
aku: hish! x baik bro.. aq x smbut bnda2 nie..

so, mostly situation kt atas nie penah jdi kt korang an??
org nk kene kn korg, konon april fool.. fool pebende pon aq tak tau la..
so, aq x nak ckp bnyak... sebab setahu aq april fool nie mmg xde dlm islam..
so.. kalau korg nak tau pasal sejarah april fool..
korg blh lah merajin kn diri korg tue utk klik kt link nie..

aku just conclude dri pembacaan aku ok.. so, april fool nie sbnarnya merayakn kemenangan akibat daripada org Islam yang berjaya diperdayakan dgn tipu helah..
so bro.. kalo ko celebrate bnda nie, same la kn ko pun merayakn kemenangan dorg nie..

just klik and bace je.. sebab aq x rajin nk jdi journalism nk tulis bnda2 nie..
so aq copy je.. at least kan??.. korg?? main klik je kn..

ok.. balik smula kt topik april fool nie..
aku bkn nk kata apa.. kadang2 bnda yang dorg anggap LAWAK BODOH tue seriously tak LAWAK! BODOH je lebih..
nk thap serious lg, ada yg snggup melibatkn soal hati, perasaan, hidup mati.. which is seriously not funny.. damn, its really2 not funny.. Don't make FOOL with it FOOL!

ok.. as example: ad mamat nie kol sorg gadis nie gtau pakwe dia mati accident! (pakwe gadis tue and mamat tue kompromi) bajet sahabat la kot nk kene kn org..
then, gadis tue ngan tr kejutnye+sedih+sebak+meleleh air mata (bajet cinta abadi) bawak kete pecut dlm keadaan panik nk tngk pakwe dia.. just in few second.. gadis tue plak meyembah jalan (accident la.. gune ayat bunga2 ckit pon x faham).. then pakwe dia dpt pnggilan gadis dia plak accident.. pakwe dia plak ingat that thing just april fool..
tngk2.. makwe dh trsadai tpi jln.. dh takde dh pown.. so, korg rsa funny tak...
kalau kau tanya aku...
aku cakap tak!.. Bodoh ad la.. tpi padan muka apa...

so.. aq malas dh nk taip.. naik lenguh dh jari2 nie..
so, korang fikir n nilai lh sndiri ehh.. bab2 APRIL DAN FOOL nie..
kalau korang tanya aku......?
aku... kata tak smbut..(ewwww.. i dislike this thing)~


tapi tu kata aku....
apa kata kau????....

kata aku psl CFS UIA.. kata kau??

Wednesday, March 30, 2011 - Posted by K.A.A at 9:45 AM
assalamualaikum w.b.t~

~welcome to Garden of Knowledge and Virtue~

stylo dh openingnye.. inilah first impression sentence yg aq dpt lps dpt tau upu bg aq UIA..
first senior komen kt status aq ngan sentence nie, offer letter pown sentence nie.. g mndaftar kt UIA.. dh tulis BESAR2 kt gate dia.. seribu kali jmpa committee sribu kali la hampa akn dngr sentence nie.. gimik je..

ok.. first of all, bnyk org yg ad bad impression bla dpt tau dia dpt UIA, mcm aq jgak la..
antara reasonnya:
1) mati la aq kna belajar arab lps nie (major impression)
2) rules msti ketat..
3) hidup msti x bebas.. mampoih la aq lps nie... (dok dlm sangkar)
4) kwn2 msti smua muka BAIK je..(good boy)

tmbhan pula.. kawan2 aq ad yg dok mengate aq:
"hbis la bro, balik sini pakai jubah, pakai serban, jambang pnuh.. tasbih kt tngn x lps2"
..nie mmg menyindir nie bro!..

TAPI, nama pun nak BELAJAR.. so, aq pg jgak..
aq ckap kt korang... meleset doe pndangan aq.. smua nie xde.. x payah dok risau..

kenapa aq kata CFS UIA the best:
1) Blaja Arab- xde alasan xnk blaja bhsa arab, bahasa arab kn bhasa al-quran.. bonus la kita kalo blaja bhsa arab nieyh.. aq blaja stakat nie smpi level 2 ok je.. ad kwn aq smpi level 4, Al-Hamdulillah sihat lg.. x jugak mati der.. so apa alasan anda?.. arab sumpah best, lecturer2 best dri plbagai negara ad.. blaja mcm ko blaja kt sklh rndah agama je..

2) strict??... ap yg strict nye.. weekends(jumaat, sbtu, ahad) bleh kluar je.. selasa kluar lg g pasar mlm.. dress code simple je, bkn kna pki (jubah+serban) pon g kuliah.. bju kemeja.. same je ngan U lain..

3)kawan.. ramai gler.. semua ok2 je.. yg x ok tue pon ad gak.. so, pndai2 la pilih..

4) lecturer smua baik2.. seyes aq ckp.. address lecturer pown mostly brother n sister.. so mmg mcm adk bradik, ayah n ibu~

5)kelas?.. kelas sejuk.. air-cond yg pnting..

6)makan?.. kalau kau bg alasan pasal mkn aq xtau la.. kt cfs PJ nie je ad 8 cafe.. pilih je.. mamak ad.. complete.. dri roti canai smpi kn ke chicken chop pon ad.. harga?.. konferm la murah.. harga student..

7) msti korg ingat xde hiburan kn?.. selebriti slalu dtg wat show.. kump. nasyid, maher zain.. nk tngk TV? blambak TV.. stiap tingkat ad..xnk tngk tv g dngr ceramah.. hmpir stiap mlm ad cramah scara free.. xwajib ok.. nk pegi, pegi.. xnak dh..

8)bilik? aq x sure.. coz lain asrama lain bilik.. bilik aq ok.. private.. compartment sorg2.. kipas aq sorg guna.. nk ap lg..

9) pasar malam.. ha.. suka hati kau nak kluar pg pasar mlm nk beli apa2 pun.. ko nak borong satu pasar pown takpe.. bnyk pilihan..xde alasan ngidam roti john ke, soya ke, nasi kandaQ ke.. complete.. fullstop.. menu sluruh dunia ad.. tnggal korg pilih je.. duit kluar sndiri la ye..

10)nie pling aq suka.. kt PJ nie.. nk pg mid valley/ KL Sentral dlm 10 min je.. nk g KLCC one way je gna LRT.. nk g Sunway,Curve, the mines, Ikea.. nak lepak? no problem! pilih je..

11) yg pling aq nk korang renungkn.. Ilmu tue sndiri.. kt sini serius aq ckp pmbelajaran ilmu dunia n akhirat seimbang.. ilmu dunia tue pun dikaitkan ngan islam.. x prcaye? aq yakin smua Univ wajib ambl subjek KOMPUTER/ICT kn??... tpi korg ad x blaja ICT in Islamic Perspective??.. then, mosty kta blaja pasal creation of human dlm bio.. tp tue scientific theory.. as information aq amik LAWS.. tpi blaja gak dlm Basic Theme of Al-Quran psl human creation pnye cycle dri nutfah, bughah and etc.. senang cerita brsumber kn Al-Quran NOT theory2 ok..best! nie yg org kta imbangan ilmu dunia n akhirat yg balance.. so korg nk apa lgi? bak kata aq.. SEMUA COMPLETE!

so.. inilah tmpat aq hbiskn masa utk blaja hmpir stahun.. dan Al-hamdulilah aq hidup lg (x mati blaja arab).. still dgn gaya yg sama, x brubah (x brserban, jubah etc).. cuma satu je aq nk kata.. aq rIndu CFS nie.. dan aq bnyk balaja kt sini.. bnda2 baru, bnda yg aq minat.. and mostly ilmu2 agama yg smemangnya mnjadi kwajipan kta utk mnuntut ilmu keagamaan.. so, xnak ckp bnyk lg dah.. kalo kau tnya U mna the best?
aq ckap UIA!
the choice in ure own hand.. good luck!


i mess up my own blog!

Posted by K.A.A at 5:17 AM
hye guys... dh terlalu la......ma tak update blog nie..
actually saya takde idea nk wat psl apa..
so, if u wanna play tagging game or ape2 je just ask me k..
well.. skrg nie pon xde idea.. just after having lunch tngh hri tdi trdetik hati nk buka blog..
tngk2 dh brsawang labah2 dh pun..
so, try nk edit.. nk letak moving animation.. decorate2 blog...
tpi den tak tau nak wat lagu mana..
so, kwn2 blogger yg simpati ngan saye ajar lah saye mna nk dpt bnde2 tue smua..
saye google, tp x jmpa gak! geram2.. tukar template je..
then edit gmbar ..
omg~ edit gmba pnya la lama.. br jam2..
al-maklumlah, org bru blaja nk edit2 nie..
silap tekan trdelete, pksa wat dri mula semula..
tension gak..
last sekali.. jdi la blog den nie mcm nie ha..
widget utk blog yg aq follow tue xtau nk wat lagu mana lgi dh..
ceQ dh poning..
br puluh2 kali edit mcm tue gak.. smuanya kt bawah..
last sekali.. jdi la blog yg agak bertabuQ nie..
so, kalo ad idea or tahu mcm mna nk edit, gtau la saye k...
thanks!~ =P

cfs.. garden of friendship!!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011 - Posted by K.A.A at 11:22 PM

hye everyone..
my life in cfs just ended..
but, the friendship never end..
so.. here is it, the BEST FRIENDS of mine..
in UIA... there are a group of students that known as Campus Buddies (CB)..
which their duty is to make sure that there is no "maksiat" among the students...
we also addressing our group with the prefix (CB), but its mean Campus Bitches..
but, we do not act like that.. just the name.. coz we kind of group that only gossiping around and only take knows about the group members, not the whole cfs hot story ok..
so, here is it..

1)the first one is....

Mohd Fared bin Abdul Latif @ FALAT...

as all of you know, dia lh yg agk aq rapat ckit.. even ad konflik jgak la.. coz dia ASYIK NAK BALIK JE... hahaha.. ANAK MAK, nk wat mcm mne kn.. but, dia nie agk funny.. x kisah even org kte dia bon***.. hahah.. agk penyabar jgak la, pemaaf dan suka mmnta maaf.. haha.. dia prangai AGAK SKEMA.. kadang2 tue trsa gak yg dia nie over skema.. hahah.. but dia dh BORN THIS WAY.. so takde hal kalo dia nk jdi hakim.. coz as he admit that yg dia xde life.. hahah.. lawak la kau nie.. but everyone kta kau lecturer la falat oii.. so ko decide la ehh.. hakim or lecturer.. anyway thnx for being such good friend and see you in Gombak..

2) the second one is.....

Mohd Fauzan bin Suhairi @ FAUZAN..

weyh.. rndu nk hang out ngan kau.. hahah.. mcm mna teater T.K Cinta??.. hahah.. dia kwn yg sngat baik la i think.. as smua org ckp yg dia sngt stick kt prinsip, but i really like that.. bru ad keyakinan kn.. hehehe.. hurm~ nnt tngk wyg, hang out together lg weyh.. hahah.. nsib baik before balik kta smpt tngk movie I am number four sma2 kn.. best kowt.. haha.. what do i like about him coz kte org lbih kurg sma ckit kowt.. coz fared n others tak suka sngt bab2 artist, kluar mkn kt new place mcm wondermilk.. so, aq rsa the way of interest kta org agak sma.. anyway thanks for being such a really2 good friend k.. see u in Gombak fauzan!!!! A*naf in the making.. hahahha..=P

3)the third one is.....

Mohamed Hisyamudin @ HISYAM

la.. bru perasan takde gmbr kte 2 org weyh.. tue la kau, time nk ambik gmbr xnak.. gedik je.. tp ble ambk gmbr sndiri gne phone org then jdi kn wallpaper nk plak.. hahaha.. just kidding..org nye yg pling kiri pki bju hijau.. agak rapat plak kn kte msa last2 sem kt cfs.. haha.. rindu kt kau la.. nk tngk kau ngan gaya trbang kau.. hahhha..seyesly, spnjang 2 sem agak tabik ngan kau la.. coz u r so intelligence n tak kedekut bab2 ilmu nie.. hahahah.. anyway thanks a lot for discussion n everything spnjang 2 sem nie.. jumpa lg kt mna lg? gombak la.. hehehe.. take care rosli.. such a wonderful friend la kau nie..=P

4)then, the first "bunga" in our group...

Intan Syafinaz bte Roslin@ INTAN..

first of all, sorry la tak dpt jmpa before balik hri tue.. seyesly i forgot about it..thnx for the hand-made motivation card yg awk bg msa kt Tappers tue.. i still keep it... hahha..thanks for being such a really2 good friend too.. haha... hope to see u soon.. thanks for introducing WonderMilk and tman kn kte pg Tappers always... enjoy ure holiday and see u in Gombak k.. haha.. =)

5)then... here is it..

Syafiq Azhar @ KAMAL..

ha kau! tngk gmbr pon gedik kn.. dia nie bnyak COMMERCIAL NAMES.. kamal, kentang etc.. mcm aq gak la.. of course la kn kntang.. org famous kowt.. ahahha.. dia la the first one yg gne word "kelas kau maria".. tak pasal2 aq kna label sbgi maria.. hahha.. but, dia sngt baik wei.. hahaha.. the most things yg korang takkan lupe suara n word2 dia yang mengancam such as "Mampu ke?", "Jala*g", Sund*l" and etc.. hahaha.. kau jangan..word power2 kowt.. tp dia pon lawak jgak la..nice to know him.. enjoy ure holiday fren... see u in Gombak k.. kesha versi 'XS"..
mampu ke? wait n see.. hahaha... *yakin je aq.. =P

6) and now here is it

Ahmad Sharil bin Ramli@ SHARIL

so here is it my friend sharil.. dia seyes lawak.. nice to know him.. thnks sharil for xtra class b4 exam mcm kls utk ICT tue.. hahah.. its help a lot.. good luck for ure ielts k.. and hopefully dpt fly g overseas if u think that it is the best choice.. i always support u... Coz i know that u can go further and further.. Good Luck k.. jgn jdi serious plk aftr this.. coz ko mmg naturally lawak la weyh.. and i think that it is ure real personalities.. so no need to be serious aftr this.. coz u just nice to be like the way u are.. =) by the way thanks a lot for being such a nice friends and hope to see u again k.. enjoy ure holiday.. jgn mkn bnyk weyh.. kna realisasikn visi & misi before masuk main nnt.. haha..

7) then the next flower is..

Khadijah @ KHATY

seriously, ure such a nice friend.. hahah.. i really respect you.. for me, you are the person who just act and be just like the way u are.. blogger sejati nie weyh.. haha.. sngt update ngan isu2 blog.. tp dia mmg baik and dri dia ekspresikn diri dia, kta dpt tngk yg dia nie sorg yg sngt2 kuat smangat and cekal.. good one.. anyway, thanks khaty for being such a good friend for the two semester and hope to see u again.. =)

by the way.. i also want to say thanks to others..

puncher n matin!

matin: first tue mmg x rpat sngat.. coz seyely annoying when ko slalu mention about sbh srwak.. tp tak la ambl hati kowt.. mcm ko jgak la, x pernah ambl hti even org wat sakit hti kt kau kn.. by the way, last2 sem tue agak rpat plak when ko slalu dtg MELARIKAN DIRI ke bilik aq dri someone.. hahhaha.. thanks matin bwa g curve n everything.. u r the best... hope to see u soon... jgn slalu emo2 weyh.. hahahha.. enjoy ure holiday in kelantan!!! thanks matin!!

puncher: thanks for being such good friends and team mate.. sorry too if ad yg misunderstanding tue ok.. by the way, jgn la busy2 lg lpas nie.. hahah.. hope that u still be my fren kt gombak nnt.. no matter what people say about you, just think that u be just the person that u should be.. just ignore the others k.. u r so courage.. good luck.. see you soon.. enjoy ure holiday fren..

thanks too to all my course mate sem 1 (02)and 2(310)..

my roommates!!
alif, helmi and azri: thanks for everything roommates!! kalo ad slh silap tue mntak maaf la ehh..
btw see you guys in Gombak.. and strive for the excellence ok.. good luck.. sorry for being not so sociable person.. anyway, thanks again.. hope to see u guys again!! =)

my lecturers!!
thanks to all lecturers, madam waheeda, madam rizq, brother mahyudin, ustaz mursyid, madam farahizah, ustazah sabariah, madam cynthia, madam aisyah, miss syarida, ustaz kamal, ustaz kazzman and ustaz mahmoud.. smoga Allah sja yg balas ats segala ilmu srta nasihat yg dberikn.. hope dpt jmpa lg..

perkepis friends!!

makseh ktk org.. x puas rsa knal ktk org d cfs tok.. hope to see u guys again and know each other better again.. Good Luck everyone.. strive and strike for excellence k.. nbiak srwk boleh bha.. =)

and lastly to all law students 2010/2011...
sape2 yg aq knal tue thanks k.. smoga jmpa lg.. bye...

even, i know u from different state, different dialect, different school.. but all of u are still my friends.. nice to know all of you.. hope to see you guys again.. i always love all of you but in different way.. mcm madam waheeda ckp yg seorg ibu syg kat semua anaknya but in different way.. mybe the first one coz pndi, the second one coz always take care psal dia but its actually the same and if different, it just a little bit.. so do I... i always love u all as a friends perhaps.. not as a child.. hahah.. =P
happy holidays.. see all of you soon.. =)